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Find what you're seeking

Image by Ivana Cajina

What should I be looking for in a yoga mat?

The difference a good mat can make to your practice is unbelievable. Consider factors like cushioning, color and grip before you buy one. A mat that's too thin can hurt your knees while one that's too thick may affect your balance. The Domyos Gentle Yoga Mat from Decathlon and the Pure Yoga Mat from Kosha Yoga are my personal favorites. For folks in the U.S., the Manduka PRO Series is a great option. 

Do I need to be physically fit to learn yoga?

The Roots Beginners Class is especially designed to help you embark on your fitness journey and practice at your own pace. Additionally, students can participate in various workshops to get an idea of what to expect from a Yogaranya class and assess if it's a good fit for you.  

Can I practice yoga when I'm on my period?

Take complete rest during the first three days of your period. Avoid asanas that involve stomach contractions, inversions, and deep twists as they can put a lot of stress on your uterus. I will be teaching you a few asanas as well as mild hip-opening sequences that can help you manage period cramps and mood swings. But most importantly, listen to your body. It's the best teacher. 

Should yoga be practiced on an empty stomach?

It's advised that yoga be practiced on an empty stomach or that there's at least a 2-hour gap from the time of your last meal. However, in case of hunger pangs, low blood pressure or acid reflux, please eat a few dry fruits, half a banana or a light snack before class.

On what platform are the online classes conducted?

We use Zoom to host all our online classes and workshops. Kindly download the Zoom App on your IOS or Android devices and login with the meeting ID and password - or simply click on the link that'll be shared via WhatsApp prior to each class.

What's the class strength? 

Class strength varies from month to month depending on the experience level of students. I take the old student-new student ratio into consideration while determining how many students I can take in each month, such that everyone gets my attention. Since it's an online class, be rest assured you'll be able to see me at all times. 

Will the recording of the session be shared with students?

While videos of regular classes are not available online, you will have access to the recording of any workshop you attend for a period of two weeks from the date of the workshop.

I have a health condition. Can I still practice yoga?

Yoga is a holistic practice that is proven to help with a number of conditions such as chronic back pain, thyroid, stress and anxiety - to name a few. However, if you have a specific health condition that I need to be aware of, please let me know. It will help me determine which class/workshop is best suited for you. 

Will Yoga help me lose weight?

Yoga will complement your weight loss journey, but can't be the sole reason for it. Because weight loss depends on many factors such as nutrition intake, genetics, lifestyle, etc. Losing weight by doing Yoga or any form of workout alone is a myth.

What is the eligibility criteria for Intermediate-Advanced classes?

Please share the following details via the contact form, to help me understand your level of practice and readiness for the Trunk & Nurture classes. 

1. A few asanas that you're good at. 
2. The style of yoga you practice (Hatha, Ashtanga, Power Yoga, etc.)
3. Can you do an independent or wall-supported headstand? 


Can I pursue other forms of fitness along with yoga?

Yes, absolutely!  Yoga beautifully complements other workouts. I recommend that you conclude your sport/dance/fitness activity with a yoga session to help stretch your muscles and calm your nervous system. 


Can I practice yoga on my own after classes or on weekends?

Practicing a complete yoga sequence without supervision isn't recommended for a beginner, unless you've attended my classes for at least six months. However, you can absolutely practice Surya Namaskars (6-12 rounds) on your own! For students in the intermediate-advanced classes, videos of the sessions are shared for guided self practice. 


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